Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Letko Track Day: Aftermath

I used to laugh about how excited John and James Avelluto were about taking their bikes on the track; it was as if they were getting ready to go to sleep on Xmas eve and had all the Ninja Turtle toys listed on their Xmas list.

Yeah, just like that.

Well, two days after my first track day experience, I find myself, and everyone else here, still excited and ready to go back for a second helping of road race pie. Leigh, Josh, Mario, Jared.. We're all itiching for another day of tarmac, bumper strips and leather onesies in 97 degree heat.


I believe another track day is in the works. If you haven't done it before, or haven't in a while, we highly suggest you come and join us in the fun!

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